It’s Time To Talk:
Erection Problems And Your Relationship
Talking Together About Erection Problems
So, you’ve decided to talk to your partner about your erection problems (EPs), because you want the stresses and strains of life to stop coming between you. The only thing is, you’re not sure how to do it.
It’s understandable. Uncertainty about how to approach the issue is what stops a lot of men from even mentioning erection problems, let alone having a conversation about them. But talking about them is going to help you, and the more people that talk about them, the easier it will be for others to do the same. That means the conversation you’re about to have won’t only help you and your partner, but everyone that experiences EPs.
Try the following to help you stop life getting in the way of your love story:

You’re not alone
Erection problems are much more common than you might think. 4.3 million men in the UK experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED)* (the medical name for erection problems).
Some of the most common conditions and diseases that are linked to erectile dysfunction (ED) are ones that are also linked to lifestyle:
Cardiovascular disease
High blood pressure
Erection problems can also be caused by things that affect mental wellness, stress, anxiety and depression. EPs might be experienced regularly or just occasionally. In either case don't ignore them, as they could be a sign of an underlying health issue.
*Prevalence based on men reporting occasional and frequent difficulty getting or maintaining an erection [ref. Kantar TNS Omnibus Survey Dec 2010 – in a survey of 1033 men].
Shame and blame
Erection problems can make you feel ashamed, and even angry. Being the partner of someone experiencing EPs can also be challenging because they don’t understand what’s going on. Naturally enough, people start to wonder if it’s their fault (it isn’t).
Choose your moment
Think about when and where you’re going to talk to your partner.
Erection problems have everything to do with life getting in the way, so try and talk about them without interruptions: not when you’re getting ready to go out, or over a meal, or when you’ve just put the TV on. Don’t start the conversation when children, family or visitors are around, or when you might be distracted by phone calls.
Choose a neutral spot to talk — not in the bedroom, or where anything can distract you. Avoid situations in which you might feel exposed or vulnerable, for example when you’re undressing for bed.
What to do if the conversation becomes difficult
Think of this as a dialogue between two people who are both affected by erection problems. Think of it as the first step towards finding a solution. Together.
If you’re going to talk about your EPs, start the conversation with the word ‘we’ e.g. ‘We need to talk about my health’, or ‘We’re going through something I think we should talk about’.
If you’re the partner of someone with EPs, begin with ‘I’ e.g. ‘I’m worried about how you’re feeling’.
The important thing is to avoid using ‘you’ in an accusatory or confrontational way, as in ‘You have a problem’, or ‘You don’t find me attractive anymore’.
Stay positive
Having a conversation about erection problems should mean the beginning of something better for both of you.
As well as talking things through together, speaking to someone trained to help men treat their EPs, like your doctor or pharmacist, is really straightforward.
If it ever seems too difficult and you’re tempted to bury your head in the sand, remember: talking to your partner or speaking privately with a trained professional can put your love stary back on the right path.
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