It’s Time To Talk:
Erection Problems And Your Relationship
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When you love someone but can’t be intimate with them, it can feel like your relationship has been broken in half.
For you and your partner, being open with each other about the problem you’re facing is an important step towards making your love story whole again.
Silence Isn’t The Answer
It’s natural that you might not want to talk about your erection problems (EPs). You probably wish they would just go away. But without seeking help they probably aren’t going to, and silence isn’t going to do you any favours.
Did you know EPs – or erectile dysfunction, to use the medical term – affect millions of men in the UK?* They might be something you’re ashamed or embarrassed about, but you shouldn’t be. They aren’t unusual and nobody is to blame.

*Prevalence based on men reporting occasional and frequent difficulty getting or maintaining an erection [ref. Kantar TNS Omnibus Survey Dec 2010
– in a survey of 1033 men].
How Erection Problems Affect Your Relationship

The challenges caused by erection problems (EPs) can have a negative impact on your relationship. You might feel tense or defensive. A lack of intimacy can make your partner feel unloved. You’re both suffering, but neither of you are to blame.
It’s important to be open and honest with each other. It’s natural to want to turn your back on difficult subjects, but if you face erection problems together, you’ll see that they can be overcome.
We spoke to couples who did just that – and you can learn about their experiences.

whether you’re a man or the partner of a man with eps, there’s no need to feel threatened. eps, which are also referred to as erectile dysfunction (ed), can be treated in most cases.
It’s worth thinking about some of the ways erection problems can affect your relationship, and what you can do about it:
Your confidence and self-esteem can be knocked
Self-doubt loves nothing better than silence, so the first step to resolving this problem is to talk.
Partners can think it’s their fault
Your partner might be thinking, “Does he not find me attractive anymore?” or “Is he seeing someone else?” But it’s likely that something else is getting in the way of your relationship: life.
Erection problems can feel like a threat to your relationship
The bad news is, they can be. The good news is they don’t have to be. If you stay silent about sex and intimacy the problem may only get bigger. But when you start talking you’ll realise that the real problem was trying to handle this on your own.
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